Full and part time support workers urgently required to support adults with learning and physical disabilities in their own homes. Contracted hours 37 per week x2 positions and 1x 30 hour per week
Working mainly 7-3, 8-2, 9-3, 3-10 (including alternate weekends and sleep in duties) shift patterns on a one to one basis to promote and enable independence. Duties include providing support with personal care, administering medication, supporting to find work placements and supporting to go to work and leisure activities.
Experience is not essential but the right attitude is.
The people we support told us they would like to be supported by people who have:
The ability to develop relationships built on respect and trust and who are effective communicators
Employ person centred approaches to work and who are able to work on a needs led basis
Have a positive, can do attitude and are aware of people’s different needs and the needs of all around them
Employ sensitivity and who treat people as individuals – valuing their input and things that are important to them
Possess a genuine interest in the welfare of the people they support and who believe in each person’s potentials and strengths
Empower each person they support to become more independent and involved in their local community, who are flexible and open minded and who are willing to adapt and change according to the situations that arise
Never make assumptions and are able to work as a team
Are good problem solvers, with the ability to work through difficult situations – who are honest with others and themselves
Are aware of their own cultural values, attitudes and knowledge and how this affects their work
If you feel you have the above skills and qualities we would love to hear from you
Full training and on going support provided.
To apply or for more information please click on the recruitment page and ‘apply’. We look forward to hearing from you!