We are pleased to announce that 26 of our team have been enrolled with West Suffolk College to the Health and Social Care Intermediate Apprenticeship. This is a vocational qualification and staff will also have the option to take the Learning Disability or Dementia pathway. The framework of the qualification incorporates five elements; competence, knowledge, transferable skills, personal learning and thinking skills and employee rights and responsibilities. The apprenticeship programme has been designed to be delivered within the workplace and by the end of the apprenticeship staff will have gained Level 2 Diploma in Health and Social Care, Level 2 Certificate in Preparing to Work in Adult Social Care, Level 1 Functional Skills Literacy and Numeracy, Personal Learning and Thinking Skills and Employee Rights and Responsibilities.
Well done to all of our team who have been working very hard to achieve their level 2 qualifications in their chosen specialist subject. Subjects have included Dementia Care, End of Life Care, Supporting People with a Learning Disability and Prevention of Diabetes. The feedback from the tutor has been fantastic commenting that it has been refreshing to see such a dedicated team.